My Breastfeeding journey story will not be the same as what you read online. No, I did not breastfeed my kids until they turned 5. No, I didn't struggle with low milk supply. No, I did not spend long hours at night feeding my baby. No, I didn't have to go to back to work thus ending our feeding ... READ the POST
5 Reasons why we travel with our Kids | MOM LIFE
Hey mumshies, It's me again. Your millennial mother on social media! Marrying my husband started a whole new adventure for me. We both loved to travel and was always itching to go on another plane ride whenever we got a chance. Traveling before getting married should be a practice for couples ... READ the POST
Great News for Mommies! Extended Maternity Leave Act is now a Law! | MOM LIFE
Hey Mumshies! It's me again, your millennial mother on social media! What great news for all mothers and mothers- to - be! As of today, February 21, the Extended Maternity Leave Act is now a Law! The new law gives 105 paid leave days to all working mothers both in the government and private ... READ the POST
Tricky 3D Museum in Davao City | Events & Promotions
Hey Mumshies! It's me again, your millennial mother on social media! Are you searching for a new place to bond with your kids? Look no further because Davao City just opened a brand new Museum for families! I was lucky enough to be invited to the grand opening of Tricky 3D Museum located on the ... READ the POST
5 New- Mom Guilt you shouldn’t worry about | MOM LIFE
Hey, mumshies! It's me again, your millennial mother on social media! It's normal for a mother to doubt the decisions and second- guess the choices they make every single day. Mom guilt has always been a friend of mine but I've learned to overcome this and say goodbye to my old friend. We ... READ the POST
MOM SHAME: Why do we do it? | Mom Life
Did you see her feed the baby with formula? Did she stop breastfeeding in the first week? She lets a maid watch her baby? She isn't considering cloth diapers? She lets her sleep in a crib all by herself? Is her baby still using diapers at this age? iPad at his age? Does she think that's safe ... READ the POST